News & Events

February 19th at 9:10am

MetroPM Team Tips for Keeping Healthy and Happy During Pandemic

From the pandemic’s commencement in mid-March, businesses across the country have had to rapidly adapt to a new work environment – the real estate industry included. Through these challenging times, the opportunity to learn and grow has remained.

In today’s blog, the MetroPM team reveal the lessons they’ve learned from this experience and provide tips to staying healthy and happy during lockdown and self-isolation. We begin with reflections from MetroPM Director, Leah Calnan, and continue with advice from our team. Enjoy!

Leah Calnan, Director:

The real estate industry has been very agile and quick to adapt to the continuous changes that we’ve faced. In some cases, technology and legislation changes were introduced overnight. All property management staff have embraced challenges, remained compassionate, caring and supportive of their owners and tenants. In fact, all sectors of the real estate industry have continued to support each other and shown a true display of unity during these unprecedented times. On a personal level, I have learnt that having a strong team around you helps to keep you motivated, remain positive and encourages you to work through the day one task at a time.

Madison, Property Manager:

I write down the goals that I want to achieve for the week in a daily journal. I also write down three things I am especially grateful for. This helps keep me focused on what’s important and places anxious thoughts on paper rather than in my head. It’s also important to remember that not achieving any goals during these difficult times is perfectly okay, too.

Sharon, Website Management:

To limit my visits to the supermarket, I have started meal planning for the week. Now I know what all the hypes about! It’s something I will definitely continue to do after lockdown ends.

Kerryn, Property Manager:

My tip? Head down, bum up, and just keep going! I enjoy winding down with movies and TV shows.

Ben, Leasing Specialist:

Take time to appreciate the little things. Spend time with family, go for walks, reduce time spent on social media and reading the news. I’ve just started playing Mario Kart again and it helps me distract from the global issues. I also love listening to inspirational podcasts like Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations and On Purpose by Jay Shetty.

Chad, Customer Care:

I’ve learnt not to sweat the small stuff and resist focusing on the negativity in the world. Instead, I focus on the positive things I have going for me. If you stop to think about what you actually have and what you’ve accomplished, it will change your mindset for the better and make you more optimistic.

Eleanor, Client Services:

Run a bath, pour a gin, and lock the door! We also love listening to the Teskey Brothers.

Brigitte, Property Management:

Between studying for University, I’ve been binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy and started Certificate IV in Property Services to advance my skillset. I’m trying to make time for things that usually wouldn’t be part of my daily routine.

Kim, Leasing Specialist:

To clear my mind of negativity, I’ve been diving into new activities such as painting, drawing, somatic practices and cooking. These allow me to take my time, slow down and focus on the positives.

Kara, Property Manager:

I’ve been watching a lot of Grey’s Anatomy and reading true crime books. The perfect escape!

Michaela, Executive Assistant:

I’ve tried focusing on the positives. This situation has forced us to slow down in life. It has allowed me to be at home with my boys and spend some quality time together. We’ve been going on long bike rides and exploring our local parks and trails. No fancy day trips or holidays, just loved ones and nature!

Brooke, Trainee:

My best piece of advice would be to not dwell on the possibilities of what could happen but to focus on what you can do right now to enjoy what you have. Constant thoughts only lead to worry, so let your mind relax a little. A good book I can recommend is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It’s brilliant.

Merryn, Sales Team:

I’ve discovered that singing and dancing in the supermarket eases my anxiety – and keeps other shoppers at a social distance!

Emily, Property Manager:

My favourite thing to do lately is to listen to true crime podcasts. It helps get my mind off everything that is happening around me. Usually, the podcasts prove that things could be a lot worse – at least I haven’t been murdered!

Tracey, Client Services:

I’ve enjoyed spending quality time with the people I do have close. Try and get those ‘maybe one day’ tasks ticked-off your list to help pass the time and keep you moving.

Emma, Team Support:

I’ve witnessed how hard isolation has been for those around me who aren’t introverted like myself. Many people’s social lives have come to such a halt. My advice would be to write a to-do list, even if it’s small tasks like walking the dog or doing the dishes. You should also try having a virtual games night with your friends and family. It really does help!

Janelle, Customer Care:

Try becoming the next MasterChef! Then you’ll know if you’re made for it, or you shouldn’t try at all.

Katherine, Property Manager:

This period has made me realise the importance of having a great support system. For me, I have my friends and family in the Philippines and my friends here in Melbourne who have become family. I haven’t learned a new skill yet, but I am proud to say that I have a great relationship and connection with the people I love and that’s what’s most important.

Erin, Property Management:

Keeping active and doing workout videos is helping me!

Jan M, General Accounts:

Learn to meditate to reduce your pandemic stress! I recommend signing up to or reading Emily Fletcher’s wonderful new book Stress Less, Accomplish More.

Fleur, Client Services:

It’s a great time to acknowledge what you’re grateful for. Show appreciation for all the good in your life, instead of focusing on the negative. During this pandemic, I am grateful that I can spend more time with my daughter.

Tessa, Property Manager:

My advice for getting through lockdown would be to just have fun with it! I’ve spent my free time reliving my childhood with Nerf guns, puzzles, painting, and cooking. Normally I wouldn’t have the time! I like to wake up with gratitude and take it each day as it comes.

Shiela, Client Services:

Through the pandemic, it’s been hard not to feel the mental and emotional impact. Luckily, I have discovered Scribd and enjoyed some great reads such as The 80/20 Principle, Mastering Self-Discipline, and The Kybalion. I’ve also finally started to read some of the books from my shelf that I bought years ago and never got round to.  Another piece of advice is to cut your partner some slack as we’re all trying to brave through this period!

Melissa, Property Manager:

I’ve learnt how to make rocky road! I’m also re-reading the Harry Potter books, and to relax I’ve been indulging in a bubble bath with instrumental chill-out music and candles. Staying positive during COVID doesn’t mean that things will be okay. It’s rather knowing that you will be okay, no matter how things turn out.

Lauren, Operations Manager:

I’ve fallen in love with cooking all over again. It turns out there’s a little Gordon Ramsey inside of me that I would never have met had the doors to every restaurant not closed!

MetroPM hope that our team’s tips help you to adjust to the new normal. Give yourself a pat on the back for how you’re doing so far, even if it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. If you have any tips of your own on taking care through isolation, for our team or our community, we’d love to hear them. Leave us a comment!